Flesh-Eater Courts Battleforce Charnelgrand Jury WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Article number: 91-68-AS
Availability: In stock (3)

The Flesh-eater Courts see themselves as knights of valour, shining heroes, and the last bastions of hope in the dark. In reality, they are gibbering monsters that feast on the flesh of the living, spreading their curse of madness across the realms every time they sally forth.

This gruesome battleforce is led by Grand Justice Gormayne, a grim orator who whips up his fellow cursed courtiers into a monstrous and macabre furore. His ghoulish force consists of swift and shrieking Morbheg Knights, brutal Crypt Horrors, and a unit of eager Cryptguard – all advancing to the thump of human-hide drums, beneath pennants of flayed flesh. This box contains:


  • 1 x Grand Justice Gormayne
  • 6 x Crypt Horrors (which can alternatively be built as Crypt Flayers)
  • 6 x Morbheg Knights
  • 10 x Cryptguard
  • All models supplied with Appropriate Bases


The miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Colour paints.

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