Golden Color Pouring Medium, Gloss 16oz

Article number: 0003501-6-AS
Availability: In stock (1)

Golden Color Pouring Medium is an acrylic medium that increases the flow of acrylic colors for creating pours and puddles. To use, mix 10 parts pouring medium to 1 part acrylic color, allow to sit (covered) for a few hours or overnight to eliminate air bubbles, and pour close to your surface. Once finished, allow it to sit for a few days before moving. Color Pouring Medium does not alter the brilliance of Golden Acrylic colors.


  • Slow-drying acrylic medium intended for use with Golden Acrylic Colors
  • Increases flow of acrylic colors for creating pours and puddles
  • Mix 10 parts medium to 1 part paint and pour close to your surface to reduce additional air bubbles
  • Available in 4 sizes and 2 finishes – Gloss and Matte
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