Warhammer Underworlds Jaws of Itzl

Article number: 34-002-AS
Availability: In stock (2)

The Jaws of Itzl were once part of a grander warhost sent against the Skaven. Yet a terrible cave-in saw most of the Seraphon buried, including their Starmaster. Only the blessed Kro-Jax, a living wellspring of ferocious Azyrite energy, and a handful of his reptilian fellows escaped. Kro-Jax receives intermittent telepathic commands from the trapped Starmaster, but magical interference from emberstone leaves them scrambled. The Sunblood attempts to heed these orders regardless, even if they drive him to seemingly nonsensical or ferociously violent acts.

Saurus Oldblood Kro-Jax, the Aegis, leads this savage Seraphon warband across Embergard. Two brutal Saurus unleash their reptilian rage by his side – mace-wielding So-Kar, and the terrifying Ro-Tak, the Guardian, with their long-spear. These three mighty warriors are accompanied and assisted by a congregation of small venomous creatures known as Sotek's Venomites.

The Jaws of Itzl are a Strike-style warband which would synergise well with a Strike Rivals deck (available separately). This box contains:


  • 1 x Kro-Jax, the Aegis
  • 1 x So-Kar
  • 1 x Ro-Tak, the Guardian
  • 1 x Sotek's Venomites
  • 4 x double-sided fighter cards
  • 7 x warscroll cards


These push-fit miniatures can be assembled without glue and are supplied unpainted – we recommend using Citadel Colour paints.


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