Warmachine Cryx Necrofactorium Command Starter

Article number: STEIKCRX055-AS
Availability: In stock (1)

The Cryx Necrofactorium is an army of terrifying undead powered by necromantic magic, lead by several lich lords in service of their dark god, Lord Toruk, the Dragonfather.

The perfect way to start building a Cryx Necrofactorium army, the Cryx Necrofactorium Command Starter includes a 30 point force that’s ready to play out of the box. Commanding your unholy strike team is Wraithbinder Nekane, who can suffer damage to cast spells or boost rolls. This box contains:


  • Wraithbinder Nekane (Warcaster)
  • Hades (Character Warjack)
  • Master Necrotech Chatterbane (Character Solo)
  • The Furies (3-Characters Model Unit)


These models are unassembled and unpainted – we recommend The Army Painter Glues and Paint!

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