Golden Wetting Aid, 8oz cylinder

Article number: 0003591-5-AS
Availability: In stock (1)

Golden Wetting Aid is used to improve the flow of acrylic paints and to improve the adhesion of acrylic paints to porous surfaces. Wetting agent reduces the surface tension of the water in acrylic emulsion, which results in a more fluid paint suited for staining on porous surfaces such as paper or canvas, and intricate details and brushwork. This medium is made with no binder and should only be used as directed on the bottle.

Not for use by children. Eye Irritant. Inhalation of Spray Mist Harmful. DO NOT SPRAY APPLY. 


  • A concentrated acrylic additive intended for use with Golden acrylic colors
  • Increases the flow of acrylic paints by increasing the surface tension of the water in acrylic emulsion
  • Suited for staining on porous surfaces such as canvas and paper, and for intricate brushwork
  • Available in 3 sizes – 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz
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